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Feather touch brows also known as microblading, is a semi-permanent eyebrow procedure in which cosmetic pigment is implanted into the upper layer of the skin to create strokes that resemble natural eyebrow hairs. Unlike a regular tattoo, microblading is performed with a manual handheld tool which is made up of tiny sharp needles that operate as a single blade rather than a machine. After your treatment, the area will look very dark and sharp but will fade up to 20-30% within 7-10 days. Once healed the strokes will be softer and more subtle creating natural-looking brows.

To find out if you are a good candidate for microblading please click here.


Many clients will need to come back for a perfection visit 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure. This appointment is to add more pigment to the areas that have lost colour during the healing process. Pigmentation loss is completely normal and everyone's skin heals differently. It is advised that you book your perfection visit at the same time as your initial booking to avoid missing out due to us being booked out. Perfection visits are $99.


Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure, so your brows will begin to fade after 9-12 months. Your tattoos will need to be maintained with touch up appointments. The maintenance is different for every client, some may need more visits than others. Fading can depend on various reasons such as skin type, medication and other lifestyle factors. It is entirely up to you when you want to come back for a touch up appointment.

All initial tattoo appointments require a $100 deposit

All touch up/perfection visits require a $50 deposit

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